The Gracie LeAnn Dimit
Memorial Foundation
Love Like Gracie

Gracie's Story
Gracie lived a life of faith, love and service. Gracie knew from a young age that she wanted to become a teacher. She spent her childhood playing school with her brothers and best friends. At age nine Gracie started working at the Summer Enrichment Program and continued to work there until the summer of 2019. The SEP serves children who have a disability or are considered to be at risk. She put years of hard work and love into the program and made the lives of those children so much brighter. Gracie had a natural ability to interact with children and everyone knew she was going to be an amazing teacher. Gracie was a senior at Emory & Henry College and was already working toward her master's degree in Education. She lived every day to be a giver; whether it was at school, in her church, community, with her family and friends, or with total strangers. Gracie had the most beautiful heart and gave her love unconditionally. If you were the recipient of it, you were so very lucky. Her heartwarming smile touched everyone she met.
Gracie was tragically taken from us July 16th, 2020 and our hearts are left shattered. We are heartbroken that her dreams of becoming a teacher, wife, farm owner and mother were taken from her and us. We are determined to keep Gracie's loving and giving spirit alive and have started this foundation to continue her legacy.
"She was beautiful, but not like those girls in magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul. ”
F Scott Fitzgerald